
The Lithuanian Jewish sport and gymnastics union "Maccabi" Žasliai section
Main office Lietuvos žydų sporto ir gimnastikos sąjunga "Makabi"
City (office) Žasliai
(See on the map)
Established 1924
Closed 1932


The objective of the Maccabi union was to "pursue the Jewish youths` physical and spiritual development and to revive the Jewish Nation and country."

Additional information

The founders were the accountant, Aron Magidö the shoemaker, Yudel Kagan; and traders, Leyser Azerski and Itzk Rabinovich, all Žasliai residents; and the blacksmith, Shmuel Yoselevich (the latter lived in the Žasliai railroad station settlement). In 1928 the section had 34 members: 9 adults and 25 minors, all with written permission from their parents. The society management was composed of five members: A. Magid, president, Salomon Azerski, R. K., daughter of Chosid, Gedalia Berkman and Moshe Shimkovich, secretary. 1931, it had 20 Jewish athletes (12 men and 8 women).

A wooden shield, which was foud in Žasliai with an inscription in Hebrew “Maccabi” and the Mogen David. Kaišiadorių muziejus.
Vaclovas Griškevičius (in the left) and a Jewish man called Yosel (unknown surname) in 1938. V. Griškevičius remembered his friend Yosel “as a pretty sportsman. He was a member of the local “Maccabi” football team”.
Fotografiją pateikė V. Griškevičius.