Main office | Lietuvos sionistų draugija |
City (office) |
(See on the map) |
Established | 1920 |
Closed | 1940 |
Additional information
It started to function on June, 22, 1920. Moses Bibl was elected chairman; his assistant was Elias Shchupak; secretary; Hirsh Fridman;; treasurer, Leyb Bibl; and office manager, Sholom Rozhing. The Society`s headquarters was located in Kaišiadorys. at the rabbi`s home. Records from 1931 indicate that the section chairman was Yosel Abramovich and the secretary was Leyb Yofe. Although at that time the section had about 50 members, there were many others who actively participated in the society`s meeting. In 1937, the section chairman was Zelik Feldman. On July 9, 1940, the Minister of Interior Affairs closed all Zionist organizations and all their sections. Rolandas Gustaitis, 2006, Jews of the Kaišiadorys Region of Lithuania, Bergenfield NJ, Avotaynu, 2010, translated into English by Leonas Bekeris