
Idelis Segalovičius
Parental name Mones
Birth date 1911
Gender Male
Place of residence Linkmenų g. 2 / Veliuonos g. 22, Kaunas
(See on the map)
Date of death unknown
Survived holocaust not survived
Trade unknown
Maritial status Married
Name of spouse Liuba Segalovičienė-Langevičienė-Karabelnikaitė
Number of children 1
Sons's name Mauša Langevičius
Mentioned last 1943
Publication LCVA, f. R973, ap. 1, b. 643, l. 3

Additional information

The registration sheet of people living in Linkmenų str. 2 / Veliuonos str. 22 in Kaunas ghetto.
Identity card No. (Ausweis Nr.) 11750