
Feivė Šapiro
Birth date 1873
Gender Male
Place of residence Kupiškis
(See on the map)
Date of death 1941 07
Survived holocaust not survived
Trade unknown
Maritial status Married
Name of spouse - Šapirienė
Number of children 1
Sons's name Mauša- Jude Šapiro
Mentioned last 1941
Publication Kupiškyje sušaudytų žydų sąrašas, sudarytas - Stefanijos Glemžaitės 1946 m., dokumento originalas - Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejuje. Dokumento kopijos yra Valstybinio Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejaus Holokausto ekspozicijos kopijų archyve/Vilna Gaon State Mu

Additional information

List of Kupiškis jews, which were killed in the Lithuanian libertine cemetery between the months of July and August in 1941. Information has been collected by midwife Stefanija Glemžaitė in 1946. Kupiškis museum director Algimantas Jasaitis gave the list to Meyer family. The original document can be found in Panevėžys regional museum.