
Feiga Koopelevičienė
Gender Female
Place of residence Ukmergė
(See on the map)
Date of death 1941 07 10
Survived holocaust not survived
Murder place Antakalinis II village, Ukmergė
Trade unknown
Maritial status Married
Mentioned last 1941 07 08
Publication LCVA.F.R-926.Ap.1.B.1616.L.171; Holokaustas Ukmergėje/Holocaust in Ukmergė, compiled by Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė, Vilnius, 2012.

Additional information

List of Jews prisoners in Ukmergė prison (8/7/1941). All the arrested Jewish prisoners (except 30 who were shot in Pivonija forest) were hung in Antakalnis II village near Ukmergė. The hunging was organized by the Ukmergė Security police and executed by local policemen and prison guards.