
Borakas Hinisas
Parental name Icikas
Birth date 1914
Gender Male
Place of residence Kriščiukaičio 47-2, Kaunas
(See on the map)
Date of death unknown
Survived holocaust not survived
Trade unknown
Maritial status Single
Mentioned last 1941 06 25
Publication LCVA. F. R-972. Ap.1. B. 12. L. 25-25ap.

Additional information

Vilijampolės partizanų suimtas kartu su dar vienu asmenimiu Kriščiukaičio g. 48 bute nr. 2, iš kurio buvo šaudoma į partizanus ir lietuvius.He was arrested by Vilijampolė partisans together with one more person who were found in the flat No 2 in Kriščiukaičio street No 48. They were accused of shooting partisants and Lithuanians from that flat.